Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee

19 March 2019


Report of the Assistant Director – Legal & Governance


Update of Implementation of Recommendations from the previously completed Impact of the Arts and Culture Sectors on the Economy of York Scrutiny Review.


1.        This report provides Members with an update (Annex 1) on the implementation of the approved recommendations arising from previously completed scrutiny review into the Impact of the Arts and Culture Sectors on the Economy of York.

2.        Members are asked to sign off all recommendations now considered to be fully implemented and are asked to agree to receive a further update in 6 months’ time on any outstanding recommendations.


3.        In late June 2016, as part of a discussion on potential topics for scrutiny review during the 2016/17 municipal year, the former Economic Development & Transport Policy & Scrutiny Committee (EDAT) expressed an interest in scrutinising the impact of the arts and culture sectors on York’s economy.

4.        After consideration of a feasibility report in July 2016, the Committee agreed to undertake the review and agreed to form a Task Group to carry out this work on the Committee’s behalf. In September 2016 EDAT endorsed the review remit, which aimed to understand the value and impact of the arts and culture sectors on the economy of York and examine how they can further increase their impact on economic development and create additional high-value jobs in the city.

5.        The review objectives were:

i.     To promote cultural amenities in the city for the purpose of attracting economic investment, leading to an increase in high-value jobs and the retention of high-quality employees.

ii.    To examine the City Council’s role within these sectors and assess what further interventions the Council can undertake to support these sectors.

iii.  To identify ways to facilitate more and better joint working among cultural organisations.

6.        In November 2017 the recommendations arising from the review were endorsed by the Economy and Place Policy Development Committee and the review final report was presented to the Executive in January 2018 when the recommendations were approved.

7.            Following the review, the Executive agreed, in January 2018, that a cultural strategy for the city should be progressed.  Under the Council’s leadership this strategy was to be steered by the Cultural Leaders Group, and ultimately adopted by the Council on behalf of the city.


8.        To gather evidence in support of the review remit the Task Group met representatives from numerous city organisations, including York@Large; Make It York; York Museums Trust; York Archaeological Trust; York Theatre Royal, City of York Council, the Arts Council, the Guild of Media Arts, York Business Improvement District, Indie York; the National Centre for Early Music, Explore York Libraries and Archives, Borthwick Institute of Archives, York Minster, the National Railway Museum, the Yorkshire Air Museum and Welcome to Yorkshire.


9.        Members may choose to sign off any individual recommendation where implementation has now been completed, and can:


i.     Request further updates and the attendance of the relevant officer at a future meeting to clarify any outstanding recommendations

ii.     Agree no further updates are required

Council Plan

10.    The scrutiny review supports A Prosperous City For All; A Focus on Frontline Services and A Council That Listens to Residents elements of the Council’s Plan 2015-19.


11.    There are no known Financial, Human Resources, Equalities, Legal, ICT or other implications associated with the recommendations made in this report.

Risk Management


12.    In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy, there are no known risks associated with this report.


13.    Members are asked to note the contents of this report and Annex 1and:

i.      Sign off any recommendations that have now been fully implemented.

ii.     Agree whether a further update is required in 6 months time.

Reason:  To raise awareness of those recommendations which are still to be fully implemented.


Contact Details


Steve Entwistle

Scrutiny Officer

Tel: 01904 554279

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Dawn Steel,

Head of Democratic Services.

Tel: 01904 551030



Report Approved












Wards Affected: 







For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:

Impact of the Arts and Culture Sectors on the Economy of York Scrutiny Review Final Report and its annexes.



Annex 1 – Update on implementation of the scrutiny review recommendations